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Kinkajou, Potos flavus, the only member of the genus Potos and is also known as the "honey bear".  In many ways are the most charming mammals to observe at Hacienda Chichen Resort’s Botanical Gardens and Maya Jungle; they love jumping through tree branches at dusk in search of ripe avocados and mamey fruits. Nocturnal, lively, and very likable, Kinkajous can be domesticated as pets but we prefer to enjoy them in their natural wild habitat. Called "Ak'ab ma'x" in Maya or "mico" in Spanish, this lovely creatures move with grace atop fruit trees and royal palms in search of foods or insects.  They are great seed dispensers and pollinators.  Their long tail makes them look like monkeys but watch their face!
Reserva Maya

"Los visitantes a menudo fotografían la flora y fauna de nuestra Jungla Maya, que están repleta de vida y belleza. El compromiso de la Hacienda Chichen Resort, un hotel boutique, es preservar la herencia cultural y vida silvestre de esta region Maya. Aquí, encontrará una relación verdaderamente intima con la madre naturaleza, mientras explora esta hermosa tierra. Los invito a tomarse el tiempo para disfrutar la riqueza y bondades que la Madre Naturaleza a depositado en esta tierra sagrada para los Mayas.”

Jim Conrad
      Máster en Botánica y Naturalista


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Give yourself the opportunity to discover the gifts of Mother Nature in this wonderful Maya Jungle.  As a Naturalist that has enjoyed my research time at Hacienda Chichen Resort for over four years, I can tell you this place is amazing.  Hope you marvel at the wildlife found here.” 

By Naturalist Jim Conrad

Hacienda Chichen esta comprometida a tomar medidas activas para preservar, conservar y enriquecer la de flora y fauna, con el objetivo de aumentar la diversidad y proteger el hábitat de la vida silvestre, endémica o en vía de extinción. Estas acciones responsables han detenido a los cazadores ilegales del venado cola blanca y otros animales dentro de los límites de propiedad ; por lo tanto, aumenta la seguridad de muchas especies endémicas en peligro de extinción en la región, incluidas las familias de kinkajous (micos de noche), pavos oscilados y venados de cola blanca.

As previously mentioned, Mr. Bruce Gordon directs all the Nature & Wildlife Conservation, and Reforestation programs at the Hacienda Chichen property. Hacienda Chichen is committed to taking active measures to preserve, conserve, and enrich the flora and fauna habitats, aiming to increase diversity and protect the habitat of endemic wildlife. This responsible actions have stopped the illegal hunters of white deer and other endangered animal species (fauna) for entering the property; thus, increasing the safety of many endangered endemic species in the region, including families of kinkajous, oscillated turkeys, and white tail deer.  Mr. Gordon and his forest-guards have planted over 2,500 indigenous hardwood trees in the property and reclaimed over 80 acres of unauthorized farmed land. This green hacienda hotel also created a Bird Refuge Sanctuary where 157 and more bird species find safety all year.  
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Zona Hotelera de Chichen Itza, KM. 120 Carretera libre 180-Puerto Juárez
Chichen Itza, Yucatán, México CP 97751
Llamada gratuita para EE. UU. Y Canadá: 1-877-631-4005  México Teléfono : +52-999-920-8407 ó +52-999-442-7741
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